Saturday, April 08, 2006

Good Bye Hanoi

25 Mar...

Today is Auntie Leng’s birthday. Uncle Koh treated us a sumptuous lunch (beef steak and ‘po pian’) at a beautiful Vietnamese restaurant. After lunch, we went for last minute shopping at a local market. All of us manage to buy something, and we happily returned to Prince Café Hotel.

As it was still early, I wondered around Hanoi City on my own. I recalled what Darren said on the 1st day “If you want to cross the road, do not wait for the cars to stop. Just walk and the motorists would avoid you!’ He was absolutely right; In Hanoi, you really have to walk in faith.

Okay, that's all for my Hanoi trip. Hope you enjoy reading it.


God's Grace said...

Jay!!!!! You have your own blogggg!!! *updating the list* Hehehe, me so lame. But awesome! Write more puhleazee... YAY!

peishanyeo said...

Hi Jay, great to see ya start this up... we are soon becoming a blogging CG heheh. Looking forward to more entries... quickly update!!